HL: Rozicki wins by KO

SH: Sydney Forks boxer remains undefeated

Cape Breton Post staff

HAMILTON, Ont. — Cape Breton fighter Ryan Rozicki remains undefeated as a professional after a convincing victory over Hungarian Laszlo Penzes.

The 24-year-old heavily-tattooed Sydney-based boxer struck a fit and confident figure when he put his 8-0 undefeated record on the line at the Hamilton Convention Centre on Saturday in the Ontario city.

And he didn’t disappoint.

Entering the ring like a man on a mission, Rozicki exemplified his icy disposition by staring down his 40-year-old opponent. Once the scheduled eight-round cruiserweight division fight got underway, the Cape Breton pugilist showed no fear as he stalked the Hungarian around the ring.

It didn’t take long for Rozicki to send Penzes to the floor after decking him in the first round. The domination continued in the second round as he knocked his opponent to the floor with a powerful punch just 12 second into the round. Known for his heavy fists, the blows by the Sydney Forks fighter appeared to take their toll on his opponent as he again knocked him to the mat.

However, credit must be given to the Hungarian as he got back up after a third fall and came at Rozicki with renewed vigour and even managed to land a couple of blows. But that didn’t seem to faze the Cape Breton tough man who then dropped his gloved hands and nodded his head at Penzes, seemingly encouraging him to hit him.

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